Treason, Dark Money & the Reversal of Roe. A Long season of Treason. I was Wondering how we got here? Everyone's rights are at risk. The overturning of Roe v Wade is just the start. Then Dobbs and several more decision from the SCOTUS that were all over the...
Platform 2024 Bill Bradshaw District #86 Arkansas
Migration Reform Fairness and equality for all. We are working with our allies in the forefront of the fight for justice and human rights for the millions of our immigrant neighbors and friends. I strongly support federal legislation that will give legal status and a path to citizenship for all...
The Blessings of Liberty, and a More Perfect Union.
The American image took a hit with the federal indictment of Donald Trump over alleged mishandling of classified documents, making him the first former U.S. president to face federal criminal charges. The fact that Mr. Trump leads polls for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024 makes his indictment all the...
What is not good when it comes to socialism
In America today we have the best and worst of socialism. The public schools and state universities, the fire department, the public highway systems, are all examples of good socialism. What is not good when it comes to socialism? Corporate bailouts like saving the banks in '08 after the financial...
Parkinson’s, Paraquat and the Other Pandemics.
Go Green or Go Away. This episode of GO GREEN Radio is not just about growing, gardening, or farming. But does address many of the issues around chronic health problems that come from agriculture done in the style of warfare. The green revolution after WWII was the beginning of chemical...
Abortion is Health Care!
Howdy this is your friend and host from The Dirt Road Democrat Podcast, coming to you with a plea straight from the heart. As folks who believe in fairness, justice, and the right to make our own healthcare decisions, we need your help to protect abortion rights for women in...
More Atmospheric Rivers in the West
I did some commercial fishing in California back in the late 1970s. Back when there were still large orchards full of oranges in Orange County. The boat I worked on went back and forth between San Diego and Terminal Island in Los Angeles. I got to explore many of the...
Platform and Progressive Principles 2024
20 Platform 24 Statement of Progressive Principles and Platform. The Revolutionary War was the first American war against the corporation. The British East India Company. The perception of monopoly and unfair trade practices drove the normally peaceful colonists to take action against The British East India Company, and eventually the...
Open and Honest Media is the Oxygen of Democracy
At the last Democratic County meeting we talked about the media outlets and social links for current news and information without very much spin. History is a teacher, knowledge is a powerful tool, and a perspective on potential unforeseen circumstances can be enemies or allies. Either way a teacher, if...
Why We Can Not Stop Using Fossil Fuels Too Fast!
Why We Can Not Stop Using Fossil Fuels Too Fast! I do think we must reduce the amount of fossil fuel-related aerosols going into the air quickly, I do think doing it too fast will be a disaster. There was a study I saw a few years back. Not sure...